KDP (Kindel Direct Publishing) Upload Automation

KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) Upload Automation

Design Auto Upload

The design upload at Amazon KDP is tedious. Often it takes up to 10 minutes until only a single new book is uploaded. Time that can be better used elsewhere. The Uploadbooster KDP Upload Tool takes over the entire upload process for any number of KDP books in the standard size 6×9 inch.

System requirements
  • Windows7/8/10 64-bit
  • Current version of Firefox installed
  • Microsoft Visual Studio redistributable runtime installed


Sign up to Memberarea to get the software!

Unlimited Uploads


  • Easy handling of the program – you enter the access data to your Uploadbooster account and your Amazon account, select your data source file and off you go!
  • KDP Upload data management via Excel file – import new data records conveniently. Benefit from Excel standard functions
  • Upload in the background – minimize the automated browser window and continue working on your computer as usual
  • You can see the current status of the upload process from the status window.
  • For all paperbacks with size 6×9 inch